Thursday 7 October 2010

Album Cover Generation

In order to make this a name for the band was created using Wikipedia's Random Page selector tool.  The name is the article title of whatever Wikipedia selected. As mine only came up with the Burtoni I used the random page selector again and combined it with Ruffs which is part of a place name.

Next the album title has to be generated by using Wikiquote, using the same technique, a random page appears and the last four words of the last quote on the article page become the album title. Mine was "The Aplogies Were Due."

Finally an image is needed to create the cover. For this I used Flikr's most intersting page and used the third image on that page. All three of these were added into Photoshop and the text was added to the image from Flikr. I flattened the image and the album cover was completed.

I think that the combination of the image of the woman and the album title that was randomly generated make this quite effective.

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