Thursday 14 October 2010

Band Identitiy Project - Pre-production

Stop Motion Animation
Stop Motion Animation is one of the hottest areas of filmmaking around today. It's putting an aspect of life and creativity into something that may or may not be living. It is made by taking a single photograph (frame) of an object or person, moving them slightly and then taking another photo. Upon playback the illusion of motion is created. In a way it is similar to the production of cartoons only drawings may not be used. Stop Motion is also used by companies or individuals to endorse a product or service, this is often in the form of a showreel or advertisement. In technical terms the creativity involved in stop motion can consist of many of the types of animation such as; cut-out and collage, clay modelling, time lapse and many more. Regarding music videos Stop Motion is a great way to promote a band or a particular song that you enjoy. It makes the song stand out and can mean, with effective use of imaging and animation, that a certain song is a standout success.

Music Video Treatment
In the video I would like there to be lots of versions of games made out of different sweets. For example Snake that moves about the board gaining length as it eats something and Pong, also made out of sweets but a set number. It will be on a Black background and it will be photographed from above. With Snake there will be different routes, across the board, that it will take but the thing that it eats will be in a set position until it is eaten. So for example snake moves by moving one sweet in front of the other and taking photographs until reaching the other sweet. This will be one frame per move. Snake eats food add another sweet will be added, one frame, sweet moves for snake to eat, another frame, and repeat the process. With Pong there will be seven sweets, three for each paddle and one for the ball, the paddles will move the ball across the board. Photographs will be taken at each move of the paddles and then the ball. With the credits I would like them to appear as a pile of sweets that seaparate with each frame revealing a name.

Prop List
Black Card
Orange straws to make frame
two varieties of sweet

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