Wednesday 15 December 2010

Refection and Evaluation

For some of the projects we have used the studio and will continue to use it for further projects and final project that is to do with band Identity and promotion. Since the technical run through I feel that I understand the use and function of some of the equipment in there better.

For some of the filming we have used the basic flip video cameras. they are relatively easy to use but function well when we need to do some in camera editing and consider the shots that we are using carefully. they allow for basic editing and settings but they also have the added function of having a USB connectivity.

For putting the stop motion video together we used the imovie software, it allowed us to trim the clips down and remove the zoom function that would otherwise appear on the clips. We added in a soundtrack by selecting all of the clips and dropping in the sound. It did allow for some colour editing by hue/saturation functions.

The blogger website has been beneficial for displaying the work that we have been doing. I will also be adding some of my graphics work to the site in order to further its usefulness when showing to a potential employer. I like how I can add more to the posts and therefore edit at a later date.

We have also been using a HD video camera from the media department. This with a tripod will also be useful when making our music video. this will allow for a far more professional finish to the project than using the Flip Cameras. It allows for in camera editing and use of a gunzoom microphone for the accurate recording of sound.

I like the assignment and have enjoyed the stop motion video aspect of it and have since found that if you are employed as a graphic designer you may be asked to do a similar project involving collaboration.

I think that we need more collaboration with the music department rather than just going into Burton to take pictures. We need to practice photographing people performing and playing instruments in order to make this successful at the end of the year.

Location and Design

With this image i wanted to look at the lines from a design point of view. I Think that maybe we could use pattern and colour in the band promotion and identity project. this i intend to use as a base for a colour design with some of the band graphics on it.

I like the effect of the stamped concrete and think that this is an effect that could be achieved on illustrator.  Although the text is something that I think will need to be change to fit the product.

One of the scenes above without the frost and snow. I am not sure that this will work as a location as this is basically one of the barriers by the river.
Another idea from pattern and design that I think could work, either as stripes or different materials in pattern and texture. If something like that could be changed to greyscale and then a band logo added this could help make an effective album cover.

I like the angle that I took this image and the overall effect of the lines. I think it looks more like a stock image or a photo from the college brochure than the ideal photo for a rock promotion shoot.

With this image I think that lines in the bricks lead to the hand rail and the contrasting lines of the stairs. If this shot could be made wider I think that this would make a good location shoot for the album cover. I like the tone of the bricks on the wall. i think that the wall space could be used with a grafitti style band logo on it.

From a design perspective Lines could be really important in the overall product not just from a photography point of view, there is contrast here but I want to accentuate the colours from a design point of view. An ideal starting image for a design project.

I think that he bright colours and the use of lines really work here. I like how the bright orange really contrast with the blue and I think these could really work in the promotional projects.

I think these would make an ideal set piece for the photo shoot and I like the fact that they are a bright colour and have an interesting shape.

Long exposure with lots of camera movement, its actually from the stools above giving it a pink/purple tone. this is something I could work on with an object of stringer colours.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Snow Day Photos - Christmas Card Project

A frosty photo of the town centre with the tree on the right. The tree should be in the foreground and the town in the background.

The tree in this photo provides a good sense of perspective and the bushes provide good lead in lines to the church. The church spire is frames in the tree tops.

This photo contains both patterns and lines. I like the framing as it is not just a standard shot of a bench. there is good contrast in the dark outline of the iron bench and the frost that surrounds it.

This would have been a perfect shot of the church perfectly framed with the spire in the middle and the trees in the mid-ground. this would of course look much better if there was more snow or frost in the foreground, also the palettes would look better removed.

This photo is a winter perspective over the fields towards the river. I like the fact that there is three trees in the photo. The tree on the right helps provide some framing to the photo.

The trees in this photo help provide an eye line that eventually leads to the buildings in the background.
This would look better with added detail in the foreground.

A typical winter scene with the frost hanging off the vegetation. It would look better with added colour or contrast, holly for instance with berries.

I like the line of the path leading the eyes into the trees. if this was a festive greeting card design it would look better with a snowman in the foreground or a family walking down the path.

This image looks good with the blue sky in the background providing good contrast to the frosty scene below. i like how the path covers the entire fore of he shot and leads the eye to the path at the back disappearing out of the frame.

A wide shot of the memorial gardens and the town centre. i have used the three bushes to give it a sense of perspective.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Location Shoot 2

I like this photo because the white boxing on the wall provides great lead in lines, I think it looks good with the tables in the foreground and the mid ground. I could do something with the band in the background to improve on this shot. I think that it follows the rule of thirds, to accentuate this I would have to work more closely with the band.

Although this is only a picture of the plants by the window. I like the symetry that is in the shot. The shot also features threes. I think that this works. There is something with the band that could be done with the positioning of the group.

This photo features the main stairwell in the HE block. The steel handrail provides a good lead in line up to the top level. stairwells featured in the research but this is a more modern clean take on the ones that were used, this styling may not fit the genre or the type of music that we are promoting.

This is a good example of a wide angle weather shot in the college. I could improve on this by including more sky in the background and less in the foreground. This type of shot would look better when the weather is better as it would provide better contrast and emphasis. The angle that I chose to take the photo means that the benches lead your eye to either the building or the tree.

I love the positioning of this photo with the table leading to the glass doors and the other area. It would look better with the door thrown open so there is a clear break in the translucent panels. it would also be an improvement without the column in the left of the photo. As for positioning of people in the photo there is lots that could be done. Some could be sitting on the blue chairs in the foreground and some on the sofas in background, I would also like to add a sense of narrative style to the photo.

This almost looked perfect exactly as it was. There were some chairs just waiting to be occupied. If the band members were holding different props or instruments but the same linear arrangement was used this could work really well. Simple and uncomplicated.

Although this photo features someone else's advert I really like the sense of perspective that crouching below the line of the table adds to the photo, it makes the viewer feel really small. If i could put some graphic band advertisement or set piece in place of the advert and use the same perspective with the band  in place this could work really well. It kind of reminds me of concert photography where people are photographing the band from below the line of the stage.