Wednesday 8 December 2010

Snow Day Photos - Christmas Card Project

A frosty photo of the town centre with the tree on the right. The tree should be in the foreground and the town in the background.

The tree in this photo provides a good sense of perspective and the bushes provide good lead in lines to the church. The church spire is frames in the tree tops.

This photo contains both patterns and lines. I like the framing as it is not just a standard shot of a bench. there is good contrast in the dark outline of the iron bench and the frost that surrounds it.

This would have been a perfect shot of the church perfectly framed with the spire in the middle and the trees in the mid-ground. this would of course look much better if there was more snow or frost in the foreground, also the palettes would look better removed.

This photo is a winter perspective over the fields towards the river. I like the fact that there is three trees in the photo. The tree on the right helps provide some framing to the photo.

The trees in this photo help provide an eye line that eventually leads to the buildings in the background.
This would look better with added detail in the foreground.

A typical winter scene with the frost hanging off the vegetation. It would look better with added colour or contrast, holly for instance with berries.

I like the line of the path leading the eyes into the trees. if this was a festive greeting card design it would look better with a snowman in the foreground or a family walking down the path.

This image looks good with the blue sky in the background providing good contrast to the frosty scene below. i like how the path covers the entire fore of he shot and leads the eye to the path at the back disappearing out of the frame.

A wide shot of the memorial gardens and the town centre. i have used the three bushes to give it a sense of perspective.

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