Wednesday 26 January 2011

CD Box and Graphics

For this project I have been asked to design an album cover and a CD box. The brief was to be as original as possible with the CD box and use s much graphics as possible with the album cover. The CD case can contain a lyric book or be a single box or sleeve.
I really like this as an idea for a CD cover. its almost combining the DVD case and the CD sleeve. There is plenty of places with which I could put the graphics. The packaging is still functional as it can still contain the booklet. In terms of construction this is the simplest of the packaging that I have considered.

This one I could chose to adapt, so instead of a piece of card with three folds there will be four making either a dual CD Cover or a CD cover and a booklet holder. with this design there will be four surfaces that I will be able to put graphics on.
Although this is really corporate and more for software packages I still like the idea that the box has a very definate lid. This is more complex and has lots of compartments as part of its solid net construction. the idea that I had from mine was to build items out of separate nets and put them into boxes.
This is similar to how I would like the finished product. Although this has a separate plastic CD case, I am going to design a similar box. The CD will fit into a removable base made from a separate net. It limits the surface to put graphics but it will create more of a luxury packaging that is neither too corporate  nor too fussy, people will be buying the album for the music not the packaging.
This is a starting point image for the graphics and images on the case. I like how the moon is orange and reflects the nature of the title of the album cover. Colour was something that I intended to use and balance in the final album cover.
This is something I would like to create in Photoshop with a normal photograph of a moon. I don't know whether I want the moon to be blue. I like the reflective quality of the moon as it suggests another side to it but I don't know whether I want it reflected in water. I quite like the idea of duplicating the moon, making it out of focus and then changing the colour.
This is a NASA photograph of the moon and although I like the idea of it being coloured I think that the multicoloured effect although tying in with the light prism does not look good on the moon itself. I combines the two design ideas but not as effectively.
A separate idea from the moon I like the ideas of having almost a caged light. It still ties in with the album cover but it takes a different approach. if I could superimpose a luminescent moon onto a jar in the dark it would make an effective album cover also relating to the music.
Although this is a science picture it relates to the original album cover. I could still use the light spectrum in the mage but as a divider between the two moons. It still suggests a dark side and also incorporates elements of the original album cover. I could also use the spectrum as a rippled light effect behind the moon or around the moon, it is after all light.
Here is another cover from the same album that differs from the original. I like the moon behind the triangle and the birds flying in on the light beam, the blurred light spectrum and hazes created by other light beams works. I think that having almost different layers and incorporating elements from song themes is something that I would like to do with my album cover.

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